Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Well needed blog.

Well. The first chapter is officially posted. I've finished writing the fourth chapter, and Em is working on the fifth as we speak. I'm really excited. I've already got 5 reviews on it, and there's only one chapter! (: I would like more, but I'm not nit picky. (: The second chapter should be posted this weekend sometime.
I'm currently almost done with a new drabble for my collection. I'm pretty happy with this one. There's no pairing, it's just about Hermione. Getting her letter to be exact. I wanted to do something different, and thought that would be good. Even though I know it's been done lots of times. (: So you have the link. (First post) Check it out please! I should post it either tonight or tomorrow. Depending. I think I may have my beta do this one... but I'm not sure exactly. I might just post it. Ha.

Alright, now that that stuff is taken care of I'm gonna tell about my day.
So my genius coach decided to take us to the pool for practice today and give us a massive training session. Well. It didn't really work out very well for me. Seeing as I *Cough* can't swim *cough* Yeah, I know. Sad... Well. I was the last one for everything, not to mention the only reason I didn't drown was because my friend grabbed me and pulled me to the side of the pool. Oh, and did I mention I was allergic to chlorine? :/ So when I got out of the pool my eyes were blood shot, and I still can't breathe very well. I feel like my entire body is full of water. (Yes I know it technically always is, but you know what I mean) GAHHH!!! Well, anyways. It wasn't a good day.
On the plus side, it was buy a senior servant day, and I bought one of my close friends, and she had to carry my laptop and plug it in and everything. It was great! lol. (:
Softball game tomorrow. If it doesn't rain that is.

I don't exactly know what to think about this guy I like. Sometimes he can be two completely different people. Sometimes he's the nice, adorable, sweet, amazing boy I fell in love with, and other times he's a sick perv. But I suppose that's just the hormones talking, right? Oh well.

I suppose I'm off now... I'm tired from the near drowning experience today... And I already took a 2 hour nap... :/ I'm having sleeping problems lately... lol. Well, At least I have Friday off to sleep in. (:

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