Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Exams and disaster.

Alright, so the end of the year is here and I'm officially freaking. I have officially said goodbye to all the forums I'm apart of on fanfiction for a week so I can study like crazy. And I had all intentions to do so until I forced into my bed early last night crying my eyes out. My grandpa had some sort of attack. At first they thought it was a heart attack but after examination, they determined that it wasn't one. Apparently, my grandparents have been keeping a secret from our family, a secret that once I found out made me cry even more. Apparently there's a good chance he might have cancer, and that was what the attack came from. My mom wasn't even going to tell me until I overheard her telling my sister in law. She wanted me to focus on my softball games and districts coming up the next weekend. Not to mention all my exams. But when my mom found out about the cancer, and the fact he was being transfered downstate to a better hospital, she figured she ought to tell me.
Most people wouldn't think that their grandpa being in the hospital, not technically dying, isn't that bad. I mean, I know it could be worse. But my grandpa means more to me than most people on this Earth. He's been there for me my entire life. He was more of a father than my father could ever hope to be. I know I could go to him for anything. He's been my softball coach since I was able to walk, and he's the reason I'm as good as I am today. Starting pitcher on the Varsity as a sophomore. I just don't know what to think right now. I have 2 half days of school left, which involve two exams each day. :/ Wish me luck everyone. Once the week is over. I'll officially be a junior in highschool. (: Wow. That's weird to think. haha

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Chapter five is officially written for the collab. It's really great. Gotta give Em props. (: She did a really good job. Chapter two was already posted, even though she just finished five. So I think we're gonna wait till I finish six to post three. (: I've already gotten 10 reviews on it! (: I'm a happy person.

I started reading The Socerers stone today. Out of boredom mostly, but I'm thinking about reading the series and writing down any story idea's I have on the way. (: I've already come up with one pretty good idea. An unusual one too. lol. (:

I went through my FF journal today, and I found a Tonks/Lupin fic idea that I had kinda abandoned. But I might go write it soon. I have like 5 chapters written out. What I wanna do with them, and all that jizz. (:

I had a softball game today. We lost. :/ Kinda sucks. We got mercied in the game I pitched, but lost 5-4 in the game the other person pitched. I'm tired of thinking I'm not the number one pitcher. Which I am. I keep getting stuck with the harder teams, or the game where my team decides not to even try. It's kinda pissing me off! *Sigh* Whatever. I'll just have to keep working hard.

So, Brett and I are thinking about starting to tell people that we're dating. (: I'm excited. I wouldn't have to hide it anymore. I would be able to finally talk about it with my friends. (:

Anyways. Going to bed. (: Night world!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

This weekend.

Well I'm proud to say that with the first chapter alone, there was five reviews. I have just posted the second chapter, and have another review on that one. I do hope this story becomes popular. (: I really like the story line of it. As I hope others will too.

Didn't do anything special this weekend. Mainly just played in my softball tournament and finished my essay for english. (: Had a really amazing time at the tournament. And at the hotel with my teammates. (: Gotta go... Gonna finish some fanfiction stuff tonight. (:

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Well needed blog.

Well. The first chapter is officially posted. I've finished writing the fourth chapter, and Em is working on the fifth as we speak. I'm really excited. I've already got 5 reviews on it, and there's only one chapter! (: I would like more, but I'm not nit picky. (: The second chapter should be posted this weekend sometime.
I'm currently almost done with a new drabble for my collection. I'm pretty happy with this one. There's no pairing, it's just about Hermione. Getting her letter to be exact. I wanted to do something different, and thought that would be good. Even though I know it's been done lots of times. (: So you have the link. (First post) Check it out please! I should post it either tonight or tomorrow. Depending. I think I may have my beta do this one... but I'm not sure exactly. I might just post it. Ha.

Alright, now that that stuff is taken care of I'm gonna tell about my day.
So my genius coach decided to take us to the pool for practice today and give us a massive training session. Well. It didn't really work out very well for me. Seeing as I *Cough* can't swim *cough* Yeah, I know. Sad... Well. I was the last one for everything, not to mention the only reason I didn't drown was because my friend grabbed me and pulled me to the side of the pool. Oh, and did I mention I was allergic to chlorine? :/ So when I got out of the pool my eyes were blood shot, and I still can't breathe very well. I feel like my entire body is full of water. (Yes I know it technically always is, but you know what I mean) GAHHH!!! Well, anyways. It wasn't a good day.
On the plus side, it was buy a senior servant day, and I bought one of my close friends, and she had to carry my laptop and plug it in and everything. It was great! lol. (:
Softball game tomorrow. If it doesn't rain that is.

I don't exactly know what to think about this guy I like. Sometimes he can be two completely different people. Sometimes he's the nice, adorable, sweet, amazing boy I fell in love with, and other times he's a sick perv. But I suppose that's just the hormones talking, right? Oh well.

I suppose I'm off now... I'm tired from the near drowning experience today... And I already took a 2 hour nap... :/ I'm having sleeping problems lately... lol. Well, At least I have Friday off to sleep in. (:

Sunday, April 17, 2011


I'm really horrible at keeping something going for any long. Four days is pretty good for me. I've just been so busy lately. I have softball games left and right, and practices in between. I have a shit ton of homework. I can't get all of it done. I haven't written anything in like a month... Well it's not that long. But it's been a long time... Lets put it this way. I have yet to finish that fourth chapter of my Collab. I'm doomed. lol. this week is gonna be jammed pack. I have three away games, three days straight. I will barely have time to sleep let alone get homework done or write. I've been reading more often. I currently finished reading the Last Song by Nicholas Sparks. It was really good. I would totally recommend it to people. I'm starting Dear John as soon as I finish my thesis paper that's due tomorrow. =/ Gahh. Too much on my plate. Not to mention me and Brett aren't going very well. At least I don't think so... I barely talk to him anymore... Whenever I text him on weekends or call he just doesn't answer and never texts or calls back. It drives me nuts. And I have a really bad feeling about everything... But what can I do... I have to trust him for any relationship to work. With him in another city though it's kinda hard. And with like four others guys that want to go out with me, what can I tell them? Me and Brett are a secret... I can't tell them that I'm dating someone, because then people would find out and that would be bad. So many things going on in my life right now... I don't know how much more I can handle... I've begun to carry my ipod, fully charged everywhere with me so I can have something to write with if something is on my mind. I have like 15 notes on it already. I guess it's a good thing though, right? A healthy way to talk about my problems.

That's it for now. I'll post tomorrow seeing as I probably won't be able to post the three days after that....

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Long day. lol. Did quite a bit. Woke up early in the morning and had to go to my Great aunt's 85th birthday. It was cool to hang out with the family I haven't seen in a while. Again.... Didn't get too much done... I probably will when Spring break is done and I stop being lazy.

So I'm really tired... But wanted to write something... I may write one during school tomorrow... So look for it... Even though I don't think anyone is reading this... =/

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Shorrrt. ((:

Just a short blerrrrb before I head to bed. Didn't get much writing done. Maybe a page or so.. Got distracted... Which is easy to do. =] Get to go outta town tmw morning for my Great Aunt's birthday party!! Wooo! Sounds like fun! Haha on the plus side I get to miss practice.. I know that most of these posts are stupid and pointless... haha. But That's kinda why I wanted to make my blog. =]

Ohhhh and I am completely excited for my birthday! I know it's not till June... But my mom told me that she is finally gonna get me a Harry Potter wand!!! WOOT!!!!! lol. I know, nerdy. but I've wanted one for a while but she always told me I was too old... :/ as if. =]

Well off to bed... Well off to talk to Brett. ((: Then bed. Night Peeps... if anyone is reading this.