Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Exams and disaster.

Alright, so the end of the year is here and I'm officially freaking. I have officially said goodbye to all the forums I'm apart of on fanfiction for a week so I can study like crazy. And I had all intentions to do so until I forced into my bed early last night crying my eyes out. My grandpa had some sort of attack. At first they thought it was a heart attack but after examination, they determined that it wasn't one. Apparently, my grandparents have been keeping a secret from our family, a secret that once I found out made me cry even more. Apparently there's a good chance he might have cancer, and that was what the attack came from. My mom wasn't even going to tell me until I overheard her telling my sister in law. She wanted me to focus on my softball games and districts coming up the next weekend. Not to mention all my exams. But when my mom found out about the cancer, and the fact he was being transfered downstate to a better hospital, she figured she ought to tell me.
Most people wouldn't think that their grandpa being in the hospital, not technically dying, isn't that bad. I mean, I know it could be worse. But my grandpa means more to me than most people on this Earth. He's been there for me my entire life. He was more of a father than my father could ever hope to be. I know I could go to him for anything. He's been my softball coach since I was able to walk, and he's the reason I'm as good as I am today. Starting pitcher on the Varsity as a sophomore. I just don't know what to think right now. I have 2 half days of school left, which involve two exams each day. :/ Wish me luck everyone. Once the week is over. I'll officially be a junior in highschool. (: Wow. That's weird to think. haha

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Chapter five is officially written for the collab. It's really great. Gotta give Em props. (: She did a really good job. Chapter two was already posted, even though she just finished five. So I think we're gonna wait till I finish six to post three. (: I've already gotten 10 reviews on it! (: I'm a happy person.

I started reading The Socerers stone today. Out of boredom mostly, but I'm thinking about reading the series and writing down any story idea's I have on the way. (: I've already come up with one pretty good idea. An unusual one too. lol. (:

I went through my FF journal today, and I found a Tonks/Lupin fic idea that I had kinda abandoned. But I might go write it soon. I have like 5 chapters written out. What I wanna do with them, and all that jizz. (:

I had a softball game today. We lost. :/ Kinda sucks. We got mercied in the game I pitched, but lost 5-4 in the game the other person pitched. I'm tired of thinking I'm not the number one pitcher. Which I am. I keep getting stuck with the harder teams, or the game where my team decides not to even try. It's kinda pissing me off! *Sigh* Whatever. I'll just have to keep working hard.

So, Brett and I are thinking about starting to tell people that we're dating. (: I'm excited. I wouldn't have to hide it anymore. I would be able to finally talk about it with my friends. (:

Anyways. Going to bed. (: Night world!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

This weekend.

Well I'm proud to say that with the first chapter alone, there was five reviews. I have just posted the second chapter, and have another review on that one. I do hope this story becomes popular. (: I really like the story line of it. As I hope others will too.

Didn't do anything special this weekend. Mainly just played in my softball tournament and finished my essay for english. (: Had a really amazing time at the tournament. And at the hotel with my teammates. (: Gotta go... Gonna finish some fanfiction stuff tonight. (: